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Molecular Modeling Practical

This tutorial introduces the student to the practice of Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of proteins. The protocol used is a suitable starting point for investigation of proteins, provided that the system does not contain non-standard groups. At the end of the tutorial, the student should know the steps involved in setting up and running a simulation, including some reflection on the choices made at different stages. Besides, the student should know how to perform quality assurance checks on the simulation results and have a feel for methods of analysis to retrieve information.

Molecular Dynamics Hands-on Session

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations consist of three stages: First, the input data (the simulation system) have to be prepared. Second, the production simulation can be run and finally the results have to be analysed and be put in context. Although the second stage is the most computationally demanding step, with simulations commonly running for several months, the most laborious steps are the preparation and the analysis. This part of the tutorial provides an example session of setting up a protein for molecular dynamics simulation, running it and analysing the results.

This tutorial uses Gromacs ( version 4.5 and most of the commands given are specific to this package. The workflow(s) will be more general though and will also apply to other MD packages. Each step will be presented schematically, as a node with input and output. A step can be the execution of a single program or a combination of programs, with output from one being directed to the other. In the case of a program, the input/output types and flags will be specified. For most of the programs/steps only the input/output options used are listed. Most of the programs offer options for more advanced control, which will not be mentioned here. For those interested, the help page for each program gives a full listing and description of the functionality. The help page can be shown by running a program with the option "-h". In the workflow, programs are indicated by the name on a yellow background. Input/output data is given as a descriptive name on a green background. The blue blocks indicate input data which is essentially not dependent on the structure under study. The orange blocks are processes comprising of several steps in terms of the programs involved. In the present scheme, orange blocks are solely used for the simulation steps, which are explained in more detail below. The lines connect the data to the processes and for each program the command line option for the input or the output is indicated in white on black.

Preparing the system

The preparation of the simulation system is the most important stage of MD. MD simulations are performed to gain insight into processes on an atomistic scale. They can be used to understand experimental observations, to test hypotheses or as a basis for new hypotheses to be assessed experimentally. However, for each of these cases, the simulations have to be designed such that they are suited for the purpose. This means that the setup should be performed with care.

Missing residues, missing atoms and non-standard groups

In this tutorial we consider the simulation of a protein. The first step in the sequence then is the selection of a starting structure, which has been covered on the previous page. The second step should be checking whether the structure has missing residues and atoms, which should be modeled in some way. In our case, the structures are complete and this step is skipped.

Another problem which one should be aware of is that structure files may contain non-standard residues, modified residues or ligands, for which force field parameters are not yet available. Such groups should either be removed or parameters should be determined for them, which is an advanced topic in MD. The structures in this tutorial only consist of natural amino acids.

Structure quality

It is good practice to run further checks on the structure to assess the quality. For instance, the refinement process in crystal structure determination may not always yield proper orientations of glutamine and asparagine amide groups. Also, the protonation state and side chain orientation of histidine residues may be problematic. To perform a proper validation of the structure, several programs and servers exist (e.g. WHATIF). For this tutorial we will assume that the structure is good enough for our purpose and continue with preparing the simulation system.

Structure conversion and topology

A molecule is defined by the coordinates of the atoms as well as by a description of the bonded and nonbonded interactions. Since the structure obtained from the PDB only contains coordinates, we first have to construct the topology, which describes the system in terms of atom types, charges, bonds, etc. This topology is specific to a certain force field and the force field to be used is one of the issues requiring careful consideration. Here we use the GROMOS96 45a3 united atom force field.
It is important that the topology matches with the structure, which means that the structure needs to be converted too, to adhere to the force field used. To convert the structure and construct the topology, the program pdb2gmx can be used. This program is designed to build topologies for molecules consisting of distinct building blocks, such as amino acids. It uses a library of building blocks for the conversion and will fail to recognize molecules or residues not present in the library. Issue the following command to convert the structure; choose the GROMOS 45a3 force field and the SPC water model when prompted. Note the flag -ignh, which causes hydrogen atoms present in the file to be removed, and to be rebuild according to the description in the force field.

pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -o protein.gro -p -ignh

Read through the output on the screen and check the choices made for the histidine protonation and the resulting total charge of the protein. Also browse through the input structure file (protein.pdb, pdb format) and output structure file (protein.gro, gromacs format). Note the differences between the two formats. Also note that the output structure file could as well have been chosen to be in pdb format. Now browse through the topology file and look at the structure.

Write down the number of atoms before and after the conversion and explain the difference

List the atoms, atom types and charges from a tyrosine residue as given in the topology file

Energy minimization of the structure (vacuum)

Now a structure is generated in the correct format for the force field chosen, as well as the corresponding topology. However, the conversion of the structure involves the deletion and or addition of hydrogen atoms and may cause strain to be introduced, e.g. due to atoms positioned too close together. Therefore, we have to perform an energy minimization on the structure, and let it relax a bit. This is in fact a simulation step, and involves two processes. First, the structure and the topology are combined into a single description of the system, together with a number of control parameters. This yields a run input file, which can be used as the single input for the simulation program mdrun. The advantage of splitting the two sub-processes is that the run-input file can be transferred to a dedicated (high-performance) computer network or a supercomputer and be processed there. However, this is only relevant for the production simulation.

To perform these steps first save the parameter file minim.mdp to your directory. This file contains the control parameters for the energy minimization. Have a look at the contents of this file. Notice the line starting with "integrator", which specifies the algorithm to be used. In this case it is set to perform a steepest descent energy minimization of 500 steps. Now, combine the structure, topology and control parameters using grompp:

grompp -f minim.mdp -c protein.gro -p -o protein-EM-vacuum.tpr

grompp will note that the system has a non-zero charge and will print some other information regarding the system and the control parameters. The program will also generate an additional output file, which contains the settings for all control parameters (mdout.mdp). Now, continue with mdrun:

mdrun -v -deffnm protein-EM-vacuum -c protein-EM-vacuum.pdb -pd

Since there are only about 1100 atoms, the energy minimization finishes quickly. The -v flag causes the potential energy and the maximum force to be printed at each step, allowing following the minimization. Now that the structure is relaxed, it is time to set up the periodic boundary conditions and add the solvent.

Which method was used for the energy minimization?

How many steps were specified in the parameter file and how many steps did the minimization take?

What could cause the energy minimization to stop before the specified number of steps was reached?

What is the final potential energy of the system?

Compare the structures before and after energy minimization by loading them into PyMol

Periodic boundary conditions

Before adding the solvent, a general layout (the space) of the simulation setup has to be chosen. Most commonly simulations are performed under periodic boundary conditions (PBC), meaning that a single unit cell is defined, which can be stacked in a space filling way. In this way, an infinite, periodic system can be simulated, avoiding edge effects due to the walls of the simulation volume. There are only a few general shapes available to set up PBC. We will use a rhombic dodecahedron because it corresponds to the optimal packing of a sphere, and is therefore the best choice for freely rotating molecules. To disallow direct interactions between periodic images we set a minimal distance of 1.0 between the protein and the wall of the cell, such that no two neighbours will be closer than 2.0 nm. Periodic boundary conditions are set with editconf:

editconf -f protein-EM-vacuum.pdb -o protein-PBC.gro -bt dodecahedron -d 1.0

Have a look at the output of editconf, and note the changes in the volume. Also, have a look at the last line of the file protein-PBC.gro (tail -1 protein-PBC.gro). In the gromacs format (.gro), the last line specifies the unit cell shape. It always uses the triclinic matrix representation, with the first three numbers specifying the diagonal elements (xx, yy, zz) and the last six giving the off-diagonal elements (xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, zy).

What is the new unit cell volume?

Solvent addition

Now that the unit cell is set up, solvent can be added. There are several solvent models, each of which is more or less intimately linked to a force field. The GROMOS96 force fields are generally used with the simple point charge (SPC) water model. The topology is not required for solvent generation, but may be updated to include the solvent added. To fill the unit cell with SPC issue the following command:

genbox -cp protein-PBC.gro -cs spc216.gro -p -o protein-water.pdb

Have a look at the end of the file to see the addition, and check the numbers with the amount of solvent added according to genbox.

How many water molecules are added to the system and what volume does that correspond to?

How many atoms are in the system now?

Load the solvated structure (protein-water.pdb) in Pymol. In Pymol, the unit cell can be visualized using the command

show cell

This draws a wireframe, showing the edges of the triclinic unit cell. Although it may not be obvious, this triclinic shape corresponds to a rhombic dodecahedron. Another thing to note is that the solvent is not all inside the unit cell, but is arranged as a rectangular brick. Quite likely, the protein is partially sticking out of the water.

Why is it not a problem to have the protein sticking out of the water?

Addition of ions: counter charge and concentration

At this point, we have a solvated protein, but the net charge of the system still remains. To make the system neutral we have to add a number of counterions. In addition, it may be considered good practice to add ions up to a certain concentration. The program genion can take care of both tasks, but requires a run input file as input, i.e. a file containing both the structure and the topology. As we saw before, such a file can be generated with grompp:

grompp -v -f minim.mdp -c protein-water.pdb -p -o protein-water.tpr

Subsequently, the file protein-water.tpr can be used as input for genion. We specify a concentration of 0.15 M (-conc 0.15) of NA+/CL- (-pname NA -nname CL) to be added and indicate that an excess of one species of ion has to be added to neutralize the system (-neutral). genion will ask for a group of molecules to be used to partly replace with ions. The group 'SOL' should be chosen.

genion -s protein-water.tpr -o protein-solvated.pdb -conc 0.15 -neutral -pname NA -nname CL

Note the numbers of ions added, and verify that an excess of sodium ions is added for neutralization. Having replaced a number of water molecules with ions, the system topology in is not correct anymore. Edit the topology file and decrease the number of solvent molecules. Also add a line specifying the number of NA ions and a line specifying the amount of CL.

Recently the naming of ions in Gromacs changed. The commands given here are correct for Gromacs versions 4.5.3-4.5.5 For older versions of Gromacs it may be necessary to use the ion names NA+/CL- rather than NA/CL.

How many sodium and chloride ions are added to the system?

Energy minimization of the solvated system

Now the whole simulation system is defined. The only steps before starting a production run involve the controlled relaxation of the system. The generation of solvent as well as the placement of ions, may have caused unfavourable interactions, e.g. overlapping atoms, equal charges too close together. Therefore, the system is energy minimized again, following the same steps as before, but now with periodic boundary conditions. Edit the file minim.mdp and change the line pbc = no to pbc = xyz . Then run grompp and mdrun:

grompp -v -f minim.mdp -c protein-solvated.pdb -p -o protein-EM-solvated.tpr

mdrun -v -deffnm protein-EM-solvated -c protein-EM-solvated.pdb

How many steps were specified in the parameter file and how many steps did the minimization take?

What is the final potential energy of the system?

Relaxation of solvent and hydrogen atom positions: Position restrained MD

With the greatest strain dissipated from the system, we now let the solvent adapt to the protein, i.e. we allow the solvent to move freely, while keeping the non-hydrogen atoms of the proteins more or less fixed to the reference positions. This is done to assure that the solvent configuration 'matches' the protein. This step is the first actual MD step. The control parameters for this step can be found in pr.mdp, which should be downloaded. Have a look at this file and note the integrator used as well as the define statement. The latter is used to allow flow control in the topology file. define = -DPOSRES will cause the keyword "POSRES" to be globally defined. Have a look at the end of the topology file to see how this is used to turn on position restraints. Use grompp and mdrun to run the simulation:

grompp -v -f pr.mdp -c protein-EM-solvated.pdb -p -o protein-PR.tpr

mdrun -v -deffnm protein-PR

What is the length of the simulation in picoseconds?

How is the inclusion of the position restraints handled in the topology file?

It is interesting to have a look at what happens with the total, potential and kinetic energies. In the previous steps, the particles did not have velocity, so there was no kinetic energy and hence no temperature. Now, at the start of the simulation, the atoms were assigned velocities and with that got kinetic energy.
The energy information from the simulation is stored in an unreadable (binary) file format with extension .edr. The information in this file can be extracted using the gromacs tool g_energy. Plot the temperature and the potential, kinetic and total energy of the system.

NOTE: You can run the following commands and answer the questions while the next simulation step is running and save some time. If this doesn't make sense, just continue with the commands here. Otherwise, run grompp and mdrun for the simulation step below and run the following commands in a separate terminal window, but in the right directory.

g_energy -f protein-PR.edr -o temperature-PR.xvg

This will present you a list of energy terms you can select for writing to the file given for output. Find the number that corresponds to the temperature and enter it. Then type a 0 (zero) and press enter . The same procedure goes for the other energy terms:

g_energy -f protein-PR.edr -o potential-energy-PR.xvg

g_energy -f protein-PR.edr -o kinetic-energy-PR.xvg

g_energy -f protein-PR.edr -o total-energy-PR.xvg

The output files (.xvg) can be viewed with the program 'xmgr' or 'xmgrace', one of which should be installed. Alternatively, these files can be viewed with the Python script, which draws the graphs in the terminal window.

What happens with the temperature?

What happens to the potential/kinetic/total energy and how can this be explained?

Unrestrained MD simulation, turning on temperature coupling

The system should now be relatively free of strain. Time to turn up the heat, and start to couple the system to the heat bath. In other words, a short run will be performed in which the temperature coupling is turned on and the system is allowed to relax to the new conditions. Download the control parameter file nvt.mdp and have a look at the temperature coupling parameters in it. Then run the simulation, using grompp and mdrun:

grompp -v -f nvt.mdp -c protein-PR.gro -p -o protein-NVT.tpr

mdrun -v -deffnm protein-NVT

There are two groups which are separately coupled to a heat bath. Which groups are that and what do you think is in each of these groups?

After the run finishes have a look at the energies and temperature. Extract them in the same way as before. Note again that you may want to start the next simulation before looking at the energies from this one.

g_energy -f protein-NVT.edr -o temperature-NVT.xvg

g_energy -f protein-NVT.edr -o potential-energy-NVT.xvg

g_energy -f protein-NVT.edr -o kinetic-energy-NVT.xvg

g_energy -f protein-NVT.edr -o total-energy-NVT.xvg

Have a look at the energy graphs.

What happens to the temperature?

What happens to the potential/kinetic/total energy and how can this be explained?

Unrestrained MD simulation, turning on pressure coupling

After relaxation of the temperature and the temperature coupling, it is time to start putting things under pressure. Perform a short simulation with pressure coupling turned on, using the control parameter file npt.mdp. Have a look at this file and identify the parameters controlling the pressure coupling.
Also note that we reassign velocities to the particles, which is controlled with the parameter gen_vel. Below that line, the temperature for the distribution of velocities (the Maxwell distribution) is set and the seed for the random number generator is specified (gen_seed). gen_seed is currently set to 9999, but should be changed to your group number. MD simulations are deterministic, so starting with the same set of coordinates and velocities and the same parameters would cause the outcomes of the simulations to be identical, which is not what we want.
After you've edited the parameter file, prepare and run the simulation:

grompp -v -f npt.mdp -c protein-NVT.gro -p -o protein-NPT.tpr

mdrun -deffnm protein-NPT

After the run finishes, again have a look at the energies, the temperature and the pressure. Extract them in the same way as before.

g_energy -f protein-NPT.edr -o temperature-NPT.xvg

g_energy -f protein-NPT.edr -o pressure-NPT.xvg

g_energy -f protein-NPT.edr -o potential-energy-NPT.xvg

g_energy -f protein-NPT.edr -o kinetic-energy-NPT.xvg

Have a look at the energy graphs, the temperature and the pressure.

What happens to the temperature?

What happens to the pressure?

The last question relates directly to the extraction of thermodynamic properties from systems consisting of limited numbers of particles. Thermodynamics is, crudely spoken, about the behaviour of large collections of particles; billions rather than thousands. Averaging a properties over many many particles will yield values which have small fluctuations. On the other hand, averaging over a small number of particles inevitably gives large fluctuation.

Since we now do pressure coupling, the density of the system may also change. Extract the density from the energy file too:

g_energy -f protein-NPT.edr -o density-NPT.xvg

How does the density behave over time?

Why does the density of the system change if pressure coupling is turned on?

Production Simulation

Now finally, we have a more or less equilibrated solvated system containing our protein of interest and it is time to start a production simulation. Mind that production simulation does not imply that the whole simulation can be used for analysis of the properties of interest. Although some of the memory of the initial configuration has been erased, it is unlikely that the system has already reached equilibrium. In the analysis section we will investigate which part of the simulation can be considered in equilibrium and is thus suited for further processing. But first it is time to set up the simulation. This merely involves running another simulation step, similar to the last step of the preparation. However, this is another of these times where it is necessary to think about the purpose of the simulation. The control parameters have to be chosen such that the simulation will allow analysing the properties one has in mind. Questions to be addressed are:

  • At what time scale do the processes of interest manifest themselves or how long should the simulation be run?
  • How many frames are necessary, or what time resolution is required?
  • Is there need to store velocities?
  • Should all atoms be in the output, or is it sufficient to save only protein coordinates?
  • What frequency should be used for writing energies and log entries?
  • What frequency should be used for writing check point coordinates and velocities?
  • ...

We're going to run ten (10) nanosecond simulations. The simulations will be run locally.
Download or copy the control parameter file md.mdp and have a look at the contents of it. You'll have to edit the file and specify how many steps should be taken to get a total simulation time of 10 ns. Then take the final structure file and topology resulting from the preparation and combine them into a run input file using grompp.
Give the run input file a clear name, combining the protein identifier (the PDB ID), and your name.

grompp -f md.mdp -c protein-NPT.gro -p -o topol.tpr

How many steps are needed to get a total simulation time of 10 ns?

Each atom will be assigned to one of the processors. How many atoms does each processor get assigned?

Although the run input file is in a binary format, it is possible to have a look at the contents. This can be particularly useful when unexpected behaviour is encountered, which could arise from implicit control or force field parameters. The program to make the contents of the run input file readable is gmxdump. The output usually spans many pages and therefore it is advisable to redirect the output to file or to 'more' or 'less', which allow browsing the content. Issue the following command and inspect the structure of the output (note that you have to replace the name topol.tpr with the name chosen as output for grompp):

gmxdump -s topol.tpr | less